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最新抗菌药 无需做药敏 无任何耐药性
浆膜炎及其引发的气囊炎 8小时明显起效不是梦 3天治愈
2、磷霉素钠Fosfomvcin Sodium对革兰氏阳性菌和阴性菌均有很好的疗效,可直接阻止细胞壁的合成,口服两小时即可达到血药浓度高峰,达到抑菌效果。吸收好,不易产生耐药性。
【适 应 症】主治:急性禽气囊炎、腹膜炎、鸭传染性浆膜炎。临床表现:采食量减少,排微黄或黄绿色稀便,饲料便或烂肉样便;鸭眼鼻分泌物增多,运动失调,有时出现神经症状,喙触地,头颈发抖;剖检可见:心包炎、肝周炎、卵黄性腹膜炎(胸腔及腹腔有类卵黄游离物)。另外对各种原因引起的采食量下降,瘫痪,突然死亡也有很好的疗效。
详情可咨询QQ:712385072或致电 18866188932
【 pharmacological action 】 neomycin sulfate of aminoglycosides antibiotics, its mechanism of action: this product mainly and bacterial ribosomal 30 s subunit union, by inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis, blocking polynucleotide chain formation and present bactericidal effect.
【Mainly treats 】 the Lord cure: the acute birds balloon inflammation, peritonitis, the duck contagion syrup film flame. Clinical manifestation: feed intake reduced, exhaust light yellow or yellow green stools, feed and or rotten RouYang then; Duck eye nasal secretions increase, ataxia, sometimes showed neurological symptoms, beak touchdown, head and neck shaking; Autopsy visible: pericarditis, liver periarthritis, yolk peritonitis (chest and abdominal cavity have kind of yolk free content). In addition, the various causes of feed intake down, paralysis, sudden death also have very good curative effect.
【usage and dosage 】 birds use this product 150 g against the water 200 to 300 kg (or the product 150 g mixing materials from 100 to 150 kilograms), construe 3-5 days.